Thank you for your ITT We’re really very pleased To give our views on your issue, Our workplan and our fees.
You want to solve the problem Of ex-cons who re-offend. Don’t worry we’ll add value There’s no problem we can’t mend. By the way how much do you have to spend?
Our team is ready and waiting The best in all the land Well at least they’ve done the training course And a briefing’s being planned.
We’ve contacted our expert Who we haven't seen for years But she’s asking the same old questions That we never liked to hear.
Why do we humans turn to crime? And lie and steal and cheat? Now solving that conundrum Would really be a feat!
But if folks behaved rationally There would be no problems at all What would happen to judges, police, Consultants? Well at least taxes would fall!
Sadly this is not to be For problems drive our economy Heaven cannot be monetized On these statistics our damnation lies
You have to laugh Or else you'd cry!
YOUTUBE 1t-gK-9EIq4 Everything Counts: Depeche Mode