The Japanese term for Stafford Beerian "control room" is Obeya.
As I learn more about Obeya, I combine it with Myles Horton's Highlander setting and experience and Göran Henriks' Qulturum in Jönköping County Sweden. Then we get neighborhood possibilities that may have the potential to rebalance the dynamics between outside governmental organizations and outside massive businesses.
Obeya would be a specific type of room and behaviors in a larger space such as Highlander and Qulturum.
Economy of Chile in Twleve Recursions
In Stafford Beer's most comprehensive implementation of the Viable System Model for managing the industrial economy of Chile, he envisioned a physical control room for decision making.
In the graph below is another view of the nested recursions that Stafford Beer and his team in Chile defined for managing day-to-day the complexity inherent in the industrial economy of a country. EV means excess variety, or complexity that is beyond the capability at this level. Of course this might better be represented as a double headed arrow because excess variety goes both ways. Problem solving is a mutual process. The point of sharing these two graphis is to illustrate the kind of analysis-synthesis we have to do in neighborhoods or in any complex social institution or situation.
digraph { layout=neato rankdir=TB overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box color=lightblue] Worker -> Crew [label=EV] Crew -> Workshop [label=EV] Workshop -> Department [label=EV] Department -> Firm [label=EV] Firm -> Line [label=EV] Line -> Sector [label=EV] Sector -> Branch [label=EV] Branch -> Industry [label=EV] Industry -> "State\nEconomy" [label=EV] "State\nEconomy" -> "Central\nGovernment" [label=EV] "Central\nGovernment" -> "Whole Nation" [label=EV] }
Neighborhoods will have more dimensions than just "industry" but there will be a set of such graphs indication recursions of helping and mutual support. See Neighborhood, Neighborhood System System of Neighborhood Health Neighborhood Governance Collaboration for Local Democracy
I think we can create a online version of a control room which is designed for neighborhood decision-making.
Many neighborhoods are as uncoordinated as was the industrial system of Chile.
A Neighborhood Control Room must have the capability of displaying and supporting all the techniques and technologies illustrated here: Neighborhood Wiki Metastructure and here: Methods.
The Control Room should be able to accomodate and make spaces for the following conversations types and activities.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true bgcolor=lightblue node [style=filled shape=box color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Spaces -> { Dialogue Training Discussion "Planning\n& Design" "Analyis &\nSynthesis" "Study &\nRefelction" "Socializing\n& Eating" "Art &\nMeditation" "Scrum\nAgile"} }
The Control Room should be able to analyze, monitor, and improve (even transform) Neighborhood Economies.
The Control Room maintains and supports the use of Transformative Neighborhood Technology.
Places We Meet matter.
Places Where We Meet matter.
I am coming to understand that we can develop and deploy almost all the methods and tools via the open source FedWiki platform in ways that they can be used in particular control rooms and Obeya's.